Sorry no post for today. I was with my daughter last night and helping her get setup on her computer. While doing this, I was showing her my blog and different things she could also do. She asked me why I used LOL so much? I replied that... I thought it was nice to let people know I cared about them, especially for those new friends that I've met and prayed about or for... She replied - how do they know that when you are telling them to "laugh out loud"...I replied - what! no, I'm telling them "lots of love"...nope, she said - it means "laugh out loud"...nope - "lots of love"...laugh out loud...lots of love....etc etc etc....sooooooooo, when I came home I went to Gina's forum and looked up does mean "laugh out loud".....:(
I'm thoroughly embarassed and feel so bad - especially to everyone that I left prayer comments, condolesences, etc that ended with LOL! I am so sorry.
So, from now on more abbreviations for me (unless I have the "meaning" list taped to my computer...or forehead!!!)
so have a blessed day,
lots of love!

bless your heart, we are at the age we still got a lot to learn talk LOL. You will do just fine LOTS OF LOVE!
It's okay Linda! We knew what you meant. I thought it was a great idea to have Lots Of Love in capitals and laugh out loud in lower case!! See, you started a whole new trend!! lol!!Blessings to you and your daughter! And LOL!!
Those of us that LOL (love our Linda) know what you are all need to apologize, dear friend...
I'm not laughing AT you, but this cracked me up! It was a long time before I knew what LOL meant when I first started playing around on the internet.
Thanks for making me lol this morning!!!
Lots of Love!
You were not alone thinking it meant lots of love. My children used to send e-mails and texts with this. While I was glad they were sending lots of love it never quite fitted into the message. Of course I often thought I was going to need a decoder to read some of the messages.
I'm sure all of your recipients would have understood you were sending lots of love by the context of the message.
You silly goose! I did the same thing! I think when people read what you have written the right sentiment comes through! The brain just works that way!LOL!lol!
lol! Okay - that's funny - and there's no need to apologize because I'm sure everyone understands =)
One of my friends is almost 30 and pretty much needs a list of computer definitions. She was thought ROFL (rolling on floor laughing) might have been Rock On Flying Lizards.
Sending lots of love, Linda, this Wednesday morning!
LOL - Oh My!! That's funny, but I can see why you'd be embarrased! I don't claim to know all the texting type abbrev.s either, but my sister keeps asking me what everything means when we're IMing each other (instant messaging). Well, for one thing, I really LIKE your version, "Lots of Love" - I think that's a sweet and very appropriate thing to wish people. I think if I were you, I'd put a disclaimer type notice on the top of my blog that says "NOTE: LOL refers to Lots of Love" and keep on using it, LOL! =0)
Well, I am thoroughly embarrassed as well!!!!! That is what I thought it meant....Ooops!!! :o) Linda...I wouldn't think another thing about it. Evertime you wrote it to me I read it as "lots of love" :o) I think we need to get up to speed on the computer lingo, the way of slang now I would hate to inadvertently say something "off", ya know?
LOL= Lots of Love
Jennie :o)
OH BOY...I knew it meant laugh out loud but I have had to learn the hard way on other abbreviations! No worries, everyone understands! I am bad about using LOL all the time!!
This time I will give it a different meaning...
LOL- Lots of Love
oh my goodness....i really lol when i read this sorry i know you are very sincere but it
funny because it was so innocent. you seem to have a big heart. i dont think anyone is angry.
Linda no need for a apology I never noticed it at all and I'm the world worst when it come getting all the computer jargon. What I want to know is do they have one for "lots of love"? LOL
Linda, thanks for letting me know the meaning of LOL. I am not good at understanding all these abbreviations on line. Just learning one by one. I like your version very much.
LOL and hugs,
I always knew you meant lots of apology needed. And it is good to laugh out loud too. What this world really needs is a lot more love and laughter. TPollack
If you write can be anything you want it to be!!!! lol...but I am laughing out loud. I'm sure you don't have a friend in blog land that would get mad at you. Your heart and kindness comes thru in your writing.
That is hilarious Linda, I had problems with these acronyms myself! But we felt the Love so don't worry! Be Happy! LOL either way!
This is so funny. That's what my husband thought it meant too and he couldn't understand why I was saying lots of love when it didn't seem to fit right. Don't worry about it, you are so sweet I don't think anyone would take it the wrong way.
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