This time of the year I buy up about 2 dozen boxes and go to town baking them...some in mini loaf pans, some in the half-loaf pans and some in the full size bread pan!I can bake 8 pans at a time.... wrap them in foil with a tag and give one to each family at church (those with 5 + kids, yep we have several) will get a couple!
They really are delicious....
and if you dont like quick bread....I highly recommend Mrs Smith - she bakes the most awesome pies..although this year they're running a little on the small side.... :]
enjoy the recipe hop - now go get some "real" recipes!!!
love ya :)))) hugs to all!

stamps: GKD's Holiday Greetings, Signs of Autumn, and Thanks a Million, Basic Grey Eskimo dp

Several members of the Center Stage Spotlight Team have joined together to share a special Christmas Treat Recipe Blog Hop event with everyone tonight! They have whipped up some treats in their kitchens and their stamp rooms over the past few weeks so we could compile our very first Recipe Book for StampTV!
Check out these designer's blogs for the sweet projects they've designed around their treats:
Carolina Buchting
Carla Suto
Deb Felts
Donna Baker
Giovana Smith
Jennie Harper
Jessica Fick
Joy Hadden
Karen Knegten
Kay Simmons
Lee Murphy
Linda Payne
Lori McAree
Melissa Cash
Pam Imholz
Selma Stevenson
Sue Morris
Sue VanDeVusse
Sue Walsh
Vicki Dutcher
Then, stop by GinaK's blog for a super sweet give-away she has tonight in honor of the hop!Carla Suto
Deb Felts
Donna Baker
Giovana Smith
Jennie Harper
Jessica Fick
Joy Hadden
Karen Knegten
Kay Simmons
Lee Murphy
Linda Payne
Lori McAree
Melissa Cash
Pam Imholz
Selma Stevenson
Sue Morris
Sue VanDeVusse
Sue Walsh
Vicki Dutcher
The Recipe Book will be available as a free download PDF on StampTV tonight as well. Look for it on the Freebie Tab link.
Great idea to use mini loaves! I like the coffee cups stamped on the dp -- how clever!
Sometimes it is easier to buy the boxes, love the idea of the mini loafs.
Hi Linda!!! I love mini loaves!!! Great card!!!
Love the mini loaf gift idea, and cooool dp. BasicGrey? Wow.
Linda - fabulous card and great honesty about baking - LOL - hey I bake a whole lot less since I started blogging ;-) just ask my DH.
Linda! You rock girl! I loved your "long" recipe! Your card is adorable!
Linda your idea is great!! We have several families with +5 kids at church.
Your recipes are so much fun to read!
God bless
Linda, this is a great idea. Your card and tag are sooooo gorgeous!
Great idea, for giveaways.
Love your card Linda - the paper pieced cups are just so adorable!
Hey I reckon you're on to something Linda! Our Grans didn't hold down jobs outside the house.....they had time to bake from scratch this is a great idea and I bet the kids love them just the same! Love your card and tag tfs (thanks you made me smile!)
Hi Linda,
You really are a laugh. Nothing wrong with no doing everything from scratch. I am not surprised to hear you give the loaves away - you have a heart of gold - a true Sister in Christ.
Your friend,
Fiona x
Oh there is definitely a wonderful use of time in making a box mix! And I ADORE your humor!!!! You ROCK!!!
scratched OUT of the box works for me! and won't those families appreciate a loaf or two!!
You're exactly my kind of baker-straight out of a box! And the Betty Crocker bags of cookie mix make great cookies, too!! I'd rather be 'playing' with my paper and stamps than baking anyways. And the goodies get eaten just as quick, so I figured the box people know what they're doing, LOL! Loved your 'long recipe,' you're a hoot!
Great recipe, Linda! Love both versions - lol! Neat card and tag to go with!
Your such a crack up! Lot's of people consider that from scratch! I love mini loves! So cute!
Love the simple life, Linda. You know how to make it happen! Food gifts don't have to take a whole lot of time to make and people enjoy them always! (I know I do).
Your card is so perfect for the "homey comfort" gift of a mini loaf of bread.
Loved your "other" recipe too. That one is a classic!
Ha Ha! Hey, it's homemade if you add something to the mix and bake it yourself! Very cute card as well, Linda.
Linda I was looking forward to your other recipe. This one is a great idea too. Your Your card is great.
I was laughing so hard reading this, that I had tears running down my face! I could just picture me doing that long recipe, my husband would wonder if I had become a Stepford Wife. Cute card and love your foil wrapped loaf!
Love this Linda! Your recipe is hilarious and such a fun treat in addition to the sweet recipe :o) I do believe I am going to try these loaves this year for some families in our church too! Great job on your card/tag. Very nice design!
Great card, and love mini loaf idea....its sooo busy this time of year!
I so love this!!! My favorite recipe in the hop.
Heheh! Sometimes homemade is simply over-rated! LOL! Semi-homemade is how most things happen around here! I just LOVE your long recipe! Adorable card...I indeed am thankful for my friends and love getting to share a coffee or tea with them ever so often!
your recipe cracked me up! love the paper-pieced mugs on your card
What a great idea! Just love the goodies, you are making me hungry girl!
Beautifully done!
I was just passing by here and I came across your post.Its so interesting.Nice idea and the recipe book is so good.I like it.I will look around for more such details.Thanks for sharing.
Betty Crocker bags make great cookies! I would rather be 'playing' with my paper and stamps than baking anyway. The goodies were eaten as fast as the back of the box so I think people know what they are doing.
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