Now you know these awards always come with questions....this one has 10
Q1) Name your favorite colour? purple
Q2) Name your favorite song? Victory in Jesus
Q3) Name your favorite dessert? oh please...can anything beat cheesecake! (any flavor)
Q4) What annoys you at the moment? drama queens
Q5) Your favorite pet? our current dog, Duke
Q6) Black or White? LOL, have no idea what this refers to....so I will pick black - love to mat with it
Q7) Your biggest fear? hmmmm, I would really like to remain healthy
Q8) Best Feature? eyes
Q9) Everyday attitude? happy
Q10) What is perfection? does cheesecake count LOL
Q11) Guilty Pleasure? there ya go....cheesecake - wow these questions are easy (-:
Q12) When you're upset you? heeeheeeheeee...cant resist...eat cheesecake!
ok, now I know some of you dont like to get these awards because of the questions so breathe easy... sending this one to:
Mary Anne
Patti P
the other Patti Sue
hugs everyone, and thanks Fiona for thinking of me (-:

Beautiful award you got and thanks for the comments, only got two! =)
Hugs, Elenor
Congratulations and thanks for passing it on to me! I'll get right on that...soon!
Thanks so much for sharing this award with me! It is really pretty! Loved learning some new things about you too....I think you might like cheesecake! LOL! I actually have a really quick cheesecake recipe that you can make super low fat and nobody can tell! I have tested it on many people and it always gets rave reviews! I will have to post it some Tuesday just for you!
CUTE and with you on the cheesecake!!! Yummo!
Drama queens.. huh?? LOL! Pray you have a GREAT Friday!!
I thought I left a Congrats and a thank you yesterday, but it looks like Blogger ate it! Glad I checked back. Thanks a million, Linda!
Thinking a trip to the Cheesecake Factory would make you mighty happy! I make a pretty good one- only a gazillion calories a slice :)
Thanks for the award Linda:)
You are so sweet.
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