"What is CAS?CAS is an acronym for Clean and Simple.
There are different ways people view CAS. It is very subjective. There is no list of rules that will fit everyone’s personal definition. The following are possible guidelines, only. Please do not feel afraid of playing in the CAS challenge or debate with yourself if you’ve created a CAS card. If it is a CAS card to you, put CAS in the keyword box.
1. Clean: the design is uncluttered with lots of white or open space. Simple: having a clear focal point without a lot going on to detract from it. OR
2. simple in design regardless of the number of embellishments or how long it takes to color, stitch or to use a special technique. OR
3. can be copied and mass produced fairly quickly… usually without a lot of coloring, layers, embellishments, tools and/or techniques. OR
4. any combination of the above"....
There you have it! You can check out her beautiful examples by clicking on her name above...now that I am clear on this....off to CAS ...:)... LOL